Wednesday 12 August 2020

Benefits of yoga


Howdy? Me much better today as compared to yesterday :)

I came back home with the will not to have the same experience of discomfort as yesterday.

I thought about eating KFC and told hubby to bring some..That ought to get swallowed and it did :)

Then, I was off to some yoga with Adrienne..Did one for acid re-flux and another one to relieve anxiety..

i also diligently drank the apple cider vinegar..

And here I was, happily eating dinner with hubby :)

All food was cleared from the plate and feeling in much better shape.

So want the birthday to be over, since doing MC and getting to sing in a stressful tie does not really decreased stress but rather increase it.

Also, awaiting family time this weekend and self-care day next weekend :)

We'll survive each and every stressful period with good company, good food lol (can already hear hubby laughing at that one!!)

I'm off


Charlotte P. 


#Listentoyourbody - Part 2

Dearies Howdy? It's Friday :) and looking forward to hubby's birthday tomorrow. I'm reiterating, listen to your body. I was amaz...