Thursday 22 October 2020




News of the day, I'm changing team. As I as telling you last time, my actual team leader was bit acting bit lousy with me. I prayed and prayed to God that shall my situation be getting worse with him, to please find a solution but if being in his team would suit me in the future, to let me stay where I am.

Well, today when I went to office, 2 colleagues told me unofficially that I would be changing team because there was no one with international taxation background on the other team and they proposed me to go help.

Soon after, the news was confirmed by the team leader himself. And I thanked God...whatever His decision would have been, I would have accepted it.

I'll surely be moving in few days and I'll tell you about that.

Tip of the day: Pray, ask God to show you the way, His way to your better self and future.

I'm off

Charlotte P.

1 comment:

#Listentoyourbody - Part 2

Dearies Howdy? It's Friday :) and looking forward to hubby's birthday tomorrow. I'm reiterating, listen to your body. I was amaz...