Monday 22 June 2020

Financial literacy Part III

Peeps :)

How's beginning of week?

Mine good for today :) working and enjoying some homey time :)

So, here I am for lesson 3 financials:

Try to see how to increase your income. You may take up a side job, buy some property and rent, invest in shares or in small businesses (too glad there's crowdfunding now in Mauritius and I can invest in some small business). Get into a hobby that might bring some cash. Ofc, have another one for just self-satisfaction :). The list is up for you to add.

Also, invest in yourself. Sure money is not everything. Even if you think you could have better managed financially years back, now is no time for regrets. You can still rethink you whole life. and get things moving.

I'm off and hopefully been throwing some good tips for you.

You'll rock.


Charlotte P.

1 comment:

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