How was your Sunday?
Was it lazy day? Busy day?
Or was it like mine? House hunting, quality time with hubby, reading, movies, etc :)
What's nice about Sunday is the name, unless ofc it is raining lol.
When you come to Sundays, it's like 'I got one more day off before Monday, so I got to spend the day and maximise it fully'.
That was me or us (with hubby) before lock down. We would go about finding activities, family to go see, plans, etc except staying home.
All this changed during lock down. We had our Sundays for us. We cooked, lazy around, attended online mass, face-timed with family, etc.
OK, now we're at post-Covid but the resolution is to keep some Sundays to ourselves and that will feel so good :)
Tip of the day: Free that Sunday and enjoy it being homey from time to time !!!
Charlotte P.