Thursday, 25 June 2020

Working for a purpose :)

Dearies :)


I'm good today :)

Question: Are you waking up energetically on the days that you are working? That may be a sign to know whether you are satisfied with your job.

Are you sluggish or losing your sleep over your job? That's not good huh.

I was thinking of that earlier. What if you won the lottery and now was free to choose whatever profession or career you wished? Will that be the job you are currently in?

For my part, I'd like to say that I enjoy my job 'halfly'. One part of me likes interacting with my colleagues everyday and chit chatting. Another part likes the idea of learning new things or doing a service job.

The other other part of me don't like the stress rush (sure, adrenaline does help getting things done) but it's not doing your body good over the long-term.

So people, do something you really like. Ofc it doesn't mean doing a job that pays nothing but be wary to do something you like, that you enjoy and that brings you self-satisfaction.

That will make you more smiling, less stressed and like some author said: 'Why study that much to then wearing yourself out over a job?' A job is important but not as much as having a work-life balance.

The company you are working in won't hesitate to replace you at the very second you leave but no one would replace you in your family.

On that note, I say good bye for today.

Cheers everyone,

Charlotte P.

1 comment:

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