Thursday, 2 July 2020

Attitude at work :)



Last time, I did a tribute to my colleagues and today, I want to share something about attitude at work.

I asked the type of colleagues that you were and I would like to come back to this point.

How are your work relationships? Are colleagues eager to work with you? Or do they dread you coming in your team? 

That's definitely a point to ponder.

I would suggest to be courteous with everyone, from the cleaning lady to the director. Each person is there to do his/her job and it's of no use feeling superior at the office. Won't bring you nothing but disdain from others.

Always ask about others' health, interests and throw genuine compliments. Chit chat with colleagues at the water fountain and if you remember birthdays, wish the colleagues. Speak calmly and respect colleagues for who they are, even if they do make mistakes (who doesn't). Don't joke on anything sensitive and don't make fun of colleagues.

On that note, I'm off for today.

Take care,

Charlotte P.

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