Wednesday 5 August 2020

Food challenge (Part 1)



How's been the day?

Mine manageable since it's in hectic month..

I'm on with a food challenge!!! Wish me luck

Heard that from a work colleague..In brief, she wasn't feeling and medicines didn't help. She then went to do some allergy tests and found out that it was these allergies that were causing her health troubles..

And she got prescription to stop eating these foods immediately and after 6 months, she was ok..

As naturopath (and me) think that I may be allergic to gluten or any processed stuff, I've decided to do a food challenge too :)

Stop eating wheat and any other processed food !!!!

I'm on recovery and no temptation will be greater than my health..So much want to get my energy back, don't think I'll be back to my old self but I definitely want to a healthier new self.

Off to bed dearies

Charlotte P.

1 comment:

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