Thursday 15 October 2020




It's Friday tomorrow and already having the feel of weekend huh :)

For those who don't know about Saint Benoit, he's the one who prays that you get protected in every sphere of your life and that your enemies do not have time or leisure to think about the bad deeds they'd do to you.

Well, as I was blogging over these days, my team leader at work was acting bit lousy. I didn't appreciate this attitude but couldn't go complain about that.

I did what a Christian do best...pray and having faith that things will go for the best.

So, there I was this morning praying to Saint Benoit so that my team leader did not have time to pester me.

Guess what, upon coming to office, he had a headache whole morning, even took leave to go see a doctor and during the course of the day, he did not say anything harsh.

I thank God and Saint Benoit for making my day easy. They DO have my back and I will continue going to work with God and all his saints leading the way.

I'm off

Charlotte P.

1 comment:

#Listentoyourbody - Part 2

Dearies Howdy? It's Friday :) and looking forward to hubby's birthday tomorrow. I'm reiterating, listen to your body. I was amaz...