Monday, 16 November 2020




I've nearly done the gratitude challenge. Like I mentioned, it helped in acknowledging stuff which I normally would take for granted.

Well, we now have a new Director in my department and like any new director who wants to show his worth, he's come up with new ways of working and I like the new style.

Lastly, I had found myself being in a bit lost when moving to another team. I find it difficult to look at records and found what was wrong. Now, with the new procedures, we go on site, learn the basics and doings and take actions. Reminds me of one of my previous jobs where I was doing that type f work.

Well, I'm confident for the future.

I'm off

Charlotte P.

1 comment:

#Listentoyourbody - Part 2

Dearies Howdy? It's Friday :) and looking forward to hubby's birthday tomorrow. I'm reiterating, listen to your body. I was amaz...