Sunday, 12 July 2020

Homemade biryani


How was your Sunday?

Mine was good, hair doings, cooking, quality time with hubby, movie date with boiled peanuts, couldn't be better :)

Well, title says so and house smells of it...Biryani!!!!

First time cooked and it was just yummy.

Why I fight for homemade biryani? Simply because you can put any amount of ingredients you want, without stretching the meat in your plate till the last offense to commercial biryanis but the ones that I often buy is lots of rice, 1 portion of meat, 1 piece of potato and a spoon of cucumber and carrot salad and some pickles.

The home made one is stuffed with ingredients, be it meat, veggies, potatoes and spices all around.

We are in for cooking again!!

Have a great week ahead.

Charlotte P.

1 comment:

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