Sunday, 23 August 2020




I'm good, lazy Sunday though felt like lying down whole day..

Perhaps you'll be hearing less from these days as I feel very sleepy in the evening.

Don't even think of doing something brainy..and my stomach gets empty quickly..

I'm off dearies

Charlotte P.

Saturday, 22 August 2020

Good news :)


Howdy? It's been long huh

Was not so well lately..and it turned out to be some good news :)

By God's will, a little human will come to our world in 2021 :)

I'm healthy and the little human is also healthy..growing steadily..I've got some stomach upset but nothing too major..

Do keep us in your prayers such that all goes well :)

I'm off..


Charlotte P. 

Wednesday, 12 August 2020

Benefits of yoga


Howdy? Me much better today as compared to yesterday :)

I came back home with the will not to have the same experience of discomfort as yesterday.

I thought about eating KFC and told hubby to bring some..That ought to get swallowed and it did :)

Then, I was off to some yoga with Adrienne..Did one for acid re-flux and another one to relieve anxiety..

i also diligently drank the apple cider vinegar..

And here I was, happily eating dinner with hubby :)

All food was cleared from the plate and feeling in much better shape.

So want the birthday to be over, since doing MC and getting to sing in a stressful tie does not really decreased stress but rather increase it.

Also, awaiting family time this weekend and self-care day next weekend :)

We'll survive each and every stressful period with good company, good food lol (can already hear hubby laughing at that one!!)

I'm off


Charlotte P. 

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Watching the clouds :)


Howdy? Me not so good..still stomach pain and this time, thyroid glands started hurting too..

Well, dunno if this is the stress symptoms or hormonal unbalance.We'll  definitely know soon..

As for watching the clouds, this is a simple activity that you can start doing..helps to relax and lose yourself in your surroundings..You can also watch the stars if you feel like it..well, best is to lay on the grass to do this but if not, a mattress or mat will do..

I'm off to unwinding before going to sleep.

Cya around

Charlotte P.

Monday, 10 August 2020




For my part, I'm good..felt like like I've worked for a week in a day lol..But I'll survive to continue writing to you..

Well, my title is a bit gross but that;s my reality since last week..

Woke up with bouts of nausea since last Monday..I thought it was because I had expectations of coming out of this hell month of August (for those who did not read my previous blogs, I have till end of August to lose files at office).

Then I got to think that it was maybe I was stressing over getting to work early since my next director expects punctuality from his staff.

Well, now after consultation with naturopath who said it could be because of poor digestion or lack of sugar in the brain, I think it might be because of the lack of sugar since I moved to having meals and not pastries, etc..meaning less sugar for my body.

I'll definitely try to bake some gluten-free muffins soon :)

Naturopath advised to take some honey directly at the roof of the tongue and since I'm feeling better :)

I'm off dearies


Charlotte P.

Saturday, 8 August 2020

Gluten free day 3 (?)



Weekend going on ok? Mine fine :)

 Some household chores with hubby, catch-up with bestie, mass and now movie night ;)

Well gluten free day 3 bit tricky..Went for Haagen Dazs and took cookie and cream as flavour..

Cookie has gluten and think I'm bit milk intolerant also and didn't feel quite well...Now, much better after having eaten homemade beef biryani..

Also was thinking about taking own food or some healthier food to a party during the week..

And the freaky part is that I read about being gluten an expert said, if one has to go gluten free, that someone has to get rid of all foods containing gluten in the house, clean the kitchen and get a new set of kitchen ware..because of cross contamination!!

I'll come to that in another blog..

Off to movie night.


Charlotte P.

Friday, 7 August 2020

Day 2 gluten free


It's Friday!! TGIF :)

Happy to be at rest after a hectic week.

Well, news of today was performance appraisal which went to improve some auditor skills :)

Another news is second day of gluten free diet..

Went to indian restaurant with hubby and managed to eat only papaw and naan but sacrificing for health )

Off to bath and to hubby.


Charlotte P. 

Thursday, 6 August 2020

Day 1 gluten free



Tomorrow's Friday :) and tomorrow's one wedding anniversary :)

So today was my first day without wheat and I feel good :)

It was not that difficult..ate sweet potatoes, rice, corn..only thing that's bit tricky is planning the meals but we'll get to it..

Hopefully, this will get my health back :)

I'm off

Charlotte P.

Wednesday, 5 August 2020

Food challenge (Part 1)



How's been the day?

Mine manageable since it's in hectic month..

I'm on with a food challenge!!! Wish me luck

Heard that from a work colleague..In brief, she wasn't feeling and medicines didn't help. She then went to do some allergy tests and found out that it was these allergies that were causing her health troubles..

And she got prescription to stop eating these foods immediately and after 6 months, she was ok..

As naturopath (and me) think that I may be allergic to gluten or any processed stuff, I've decided to do a food challenge too :)

Stop eating wheat and any other processed food !!!!

I'm on recovery and no temptation will be greater than my health..So much want to get my energy back, don't think I'll be back to my old self but I definitely want to a healthier new self.

Off to bed dearies

Charlotte P.

Tuesday, 4 August 2020

Laughing therapy (cont.)



How was your Tuesday?

Mine was work, then bulk cooking at home..Since on nutrient-based diet, our fridge is full of veggies and lean proteins and carbs :)

Well, laughing therapy continues..Have started to watch stand-up comedies in the morning and reading jokes in between tasks at work..

Now, planning to start watching humorous movies more often..

It is proven  that laughter releases feel-good hormones and helps you live longer..

I'm off to some relaxing time with hubby :)


Charlotte P.

Monday, 3 August 2020

Brother-sister bond



How's been the Monday?

Mine was ok, at work, at consultation with naturopath, quality time with hubby :)

Well brother-sister bond..I've got a little brother who I love dearly..and I dare no one touch even one of his hair..

Yesterday, a colleague at work lost his sister. She got involved in a car accident when she was young and was since bed-ridden..The brother cared for her since then and he was very close to her..

I admire such a brother who despite leading a professional life, being a unionist, head of staff welfare finds time to care for his sister..

Today, it's a hindu festival, Raksha Bandhan, which celebrates the bond between brothers and sisters. It's no mere coincidence that her funeral is due today..I tend to think that it is her last gift to him since she was suffering much lately..

RIP lovely sister and cheers to all brothers and sisters who care for each other dearly :)

Charlotte P.

Sunday, 2 August 2020

Lazy Sunday :)


You all ok?

Ready to face the new week ahead?

I am :)

As regards today it was a lazy wake up, some household chores with hubby, hilarious movie, online mass, relaxing and some conversation with parents and relatives..All in all, very lazy Sunday..

At times, ought to enjoy lazy Sundays where there is nothing as strictly planned just enjoying the day..

Looking forward to some other lazy Sunday

Have a great week ahead.

Charlotte P.

Saturday, 1 August 2020

Chinese restaurant :)



How's weekend?

Mine went parents' yesterday for dad's birthday..and today, birthday continues..

Went to Curepipe to visit relatives..and then off to Chinese restaurant which served nice and healthy food, with veggies and protein..

Like the chef said: "food should be cooked simply with good ingredients without all sorts of sauces or seasonings".

And it's better to choose a not-so-full restaurant where the chef takes the time to cook the food rather than going to food-courts where queues are endless and food commercially prepared.

Remember this for next time you are out for food.

I'm off

Charlotte P.

#Listentoyourbody - Part 2

Dearies Howdy? It's Friday :) and looking forward to hubby's birthday tomorrow. I'm reiterating, listen to your body. I was amaz...