Thursday, 29 October 2020




Yesterday, I did the experience of decluttering my mind. I woke up serenely and decided not to have anything on my mind. I noted everything on my calendar or did things as I just thought of them.

That was quite peaceful. Trying to do that everyday now and feeling much better.

Read also that silence is something that one ought to do for at least 15 minutes for peace of mind and people who do that everyday do not even fall sick. That's something that I would try some day soon and I'll tell you about that in another blog.

I'm off peeps

Charlotte P.

Monday, 26 October 2020




Today, I moved to my new seating and hopefully, to better endeavors as we say.

Each team has its own charm. My previous previous one was kind of the family type. We had in-the-office gatherings and out-of the office gatherings and everyone knew about the other's family and discussions could range from everything to anything. There was that team spirit. The team is going to be dismantled and it sure breaks everyone's heart and we all deserve a good farewell.

My previous team (by hours lol) was more of the introvert type. One didn't even know the other's birthday or private lives and at times, you just had to be careful about what you are saying as you don't know the others' opinions. The teammates were helpful workwise.

My current team, from what I gathered from observation, is that they have that team spirit. They are helpful too and any issue is discussed openly. I'll keep you posted when I officially join them tomorrow.

I'm off

Charlotte P.

Sunday, 25 October 2020




How was our Sunday?

Mine was ok, relaxing with hubby...reading, doing some translation work, cooking.

And I've decided to write my own personal experiences for Chicken Soup for the Soul.

I got my hubby as critic and he suggested improvements to be made.

I like pouring my heart out and if it helps people have hope or live better lives, I'm determined to write.

I'm off to sleep early tonight

Charlotte P.

Saturday, 24 October 2020




I'm good :) How was your Saturday?

Mine was good...went for some shopping with hubby, wanted to buy some shoes for a fun day next week..

Hubby bought me my birthday gift beforehand :)

Then, we went to buy gluten-free 'boulettes'...just ate them and they were so yummy :)

Slept during the day and that was nice. Watched a movie with hubby and now off to play cards.

Enjoy your weekend

Charlotte P.

Thursday, 22 October 2020




News of the day, I'm changing team. As I as telling you last time, my actual team leader was bit acting bit lousy with me. I prayed and prayed to God that shall my situation be getting worse with him, to please find a solution but if being in his team would suit me in the future, to let me stay where I am.

Well, today when I went to office, 2 colleagues told me unofficially that I would be changing team because there was no one with international taxation background on the other team and they proposed me to go help.

Soon after, the news was confirmed by the team leader himself. And I thanked God...whatever His decision would have been, I would have accepted it.

I'll surely be moving in few days and I'll tell you about that.

Tip of the day: Pray, ask God to show you the way, His way to your better self and future.

I'm off

Charlotte P.

Wednesday, 21 October 2020




Me ok, much better than yesterday though still bit fatigued....waiting for the weekend to get some more rest.

I was telling hubby that fatigue was due to our hectic weekends, we didn't realise that we had 5 weekends full with plans.

Think the next weekends should be restful.

Also, I ought to think of some idea to get my mind in better shape. I've been working on my body, giving it healthy foods, exercise, not much rest but I ought also get some mental de-stress.

I'm off to better health

Charlotte P.

Tuesday, 20 October 2020




Me feeling bit under the weather.

Guess it's from the hectic weeks and weekends. Now, wish to take a day off.

I've not been able to wake up easily these days and even this morning, could not get myself to go to work but then had a training that I could not miss.

But tomorrow, I'll take a well-deserved rest, surely a day filled with good food, nice movies, a good book and some sleep :)

Tip of the day: Listen to your body. When it tells you to rest or slow down, do so!!

I'm off

Charlotte P.

Monday, 19 October 2020




I'm sooo glad today....I ate homemade crispy chicken. It didn't have the KFC look but it was equally yummy.

And most important, it was gluten-free.

I wanted to eat when heard a friend talking about making his own at home. He used the KFC flour though.

I knew that I could not use that flour since I think there is wheat in it.

Next step was finding a substitute for cornflakes. I couldn't find smaller package or without gluten. I did with some potato crisps and with the help of an Internet recipe, here were the famous crispy strips.

I'll again be eating these tomorrow and whenever I want to eat these again lol

I'm off 

Charlotte P.

Friday, 16 October 2020




I'm soooo glad it's's been a tough week for you? For me also..

Awaiting next week impatiently. I will receive my appointment letter next Monday and guess what, there will an official corporate ceremony...I'll tell you about it lol

My Friday went on famous team leader was not around and got around doing my stuff.

Feeling bit sleepy and I'm off to do some waxing business.


Charlotte P.

Thursday, 15 October 2020




It's Friday tomorrow and already having the feel of weekend huh :)

For those who don't know about Saint Benoit, he's the one who prays that you get protected in every sphere of your life and that your enemies do not have time or leisure to think about the bad deeds they'd do to you.

Well, as I was blogging over these days, my team leader at work was acting bit lousy. I didn't appreciate this attitude but couldn't go complain about that.

I did what a Christian do best...pray and having faith that things will go for the best.

So, there I was this morning praying to Saint Benoit so that my team leader did not have time to pester me.

Guess what, upon coming to office, he had a headache whole morning, even took leave to go see a doctor and during the course of the day, he did not say anything harsh.

I thank God and Saint Benoit for making my day easy. They DO have my back and I will continue going to work with God and all his saints leading the way.

I'm off

Charlotte P.

Wednesday, 14 October 2020




Yes, I'll be talking about positive attitude.

I slept yesterday upon doing prayers to sort things out at work.

Turned out I woke up late this morning but pepped myself up with Christian songs. I was already in a good mood when turning up at office and determined not to let anything spoil my day.

I smiled, laughed (a lot!!) and carried on with my day feeling good.

A colleague came by to ask for help on some issue and we sorted things together. I like it when she said that I was always positive...and I replied that 'one ought be positive else life will seem to be more complicated'.

Now that I'm feeling sleepy (note to my dear readers: been 2 days since I've been sleeping late and doing prayers at night and hopefully, I'll be having a super night), I realise that God has my back and nothing matters more than trusting Him and go about with my life.

Tip of the day: Do not sweat the work stuff.. Things will sort themselves out someday, till then hope for the better and smile :)

Charlotte P

Tuesday, 13 October 2020




How was your Tuesday?

Mine was fine...sending some prayers for my current team to get promoted (I'll come to that in another blog!!)

Well, as the title refers, I love the 'Walk at Home' videos on Facebook. I highly recommend these if you want pep walks or to simply walk around your house doing some extra moves.

I've been walking since nearly two weeks already and I am trying all the walk at home videos...Still not bored with them but rather going strong.

Friends at office have been telling me that I've got slimmer and can feel it both on my waistline and in my head. Endorphins are keeping me high nearly all the time and my adrenal fatigue symptoms are nearly gone.

Tip of the day: WALK TO FEEL BETTER :)

I'm off

Charlotte P.


Monday, 12 October 2020




How was your Monday? Mine was fine, even for the redtapeism experience.

Went to some civil servants' cooperative union, where civil servants deposit and loan out their money.

I had already gone last time and they told me some documents were outstanding.

I was aghast when I learnt that I had to bring my own copies!!! Why not charge some administrative fees and do copies for the potential members. 

So again I went this morning. The motorcycle ride to and from was nice...But the wait there again was wow!!! Reached there before 9 am and was out after 11 am. Again lots of documents to be checked, to be photocopied.

Quite an experience but glad to be done with that.

I'm off for today


Charlotte P.

Friday, 9 October 2020


Dearies :)


TGIF!!!Thought this would have been a long week..finally, it's over

Bit hormonal these days..guess all hormones are out, or in, I dunno...all that I know is that I'm feeling cranky and even ready to fight the whole world.

I'll say a word about work. Well, one should be grateful that he/she has a job even more so during this crisis. Do something that you would be excited to wake up every morning. Do something for purpose. Do something that you would do even if you were not paid for it.

I know I am maybe speaking for myself. Sure, the financial dependency that my job brings to me is significant but I am pondering on how to get financially dependent without this job.

Life is meant to be lived to the fullest and for purpose. Find yours and live by it.

I'm off to a weekend with family.


Charlotte P.   

Wednesday, 7 October 2020



Howdy ?

I'm good :) feeling much better day by day..

Even asked hubby earlier if my cheeks are no more drooling lol

What saddened me bit today was that when I was talking to a colleague who is 27, he was telling me about his health problems...that he got to dieting, been ingesting fat burners, waiting to go do a gastroscopy, not feeling hungry, high blood pressure at times, some stress, etc..

I was taken aback that a youth was not enjoying a good health, then remembered my own his age, I was running around, not eating well, exercising too much at times, etc...well I also was a wreck but didn't know about it until I got my 'Great Fatigue'..

Well, at times, I think about my younger self, how I was feeling energetic, feeling that the world was at my feet...until everything crumbled. Now, I'm seeing this as a blessing in disguise. Previously, I was asking for my health I only wish to get healthy. Falling sick helped me notice that there some changes that I had to make in my life: nutrition, hydration, exercise, meditation, stress management, sleep, lifestyle.

Tip of the day: don't wait for your life to crumble. Act for your health NOW, identify what's causing you to be sick or not living your life to the fullest and take action to remedy those.

I'm off

Charlotte P.

Tuesday, 6 October 2020


Dearies :)


As the title might suggest, I'm back to my healthy self and definitely feel that I'm getting better..

No more headache, sugar level under control, some mild dizziness still here but feeling more energetic.

Back to plank in the morning and legs against the wall pose...and either walk to office or walk session at home.

But more important, hydration getting on track.

Happened to come across a diabetes add earlier...and it told me that for my age and weight, I ought to drink 2.1 litres per day...and it also happens that I am drinking around 2 litres per day :)

Tracking my water intake daily and it'll help me keep hydrated for summer and also stay healthy.

Tip of the day: I'd suggest you just googled the amount of water intake for you daily and stick to it for better healthy.

Cheers to a healthy life :)

Charlotte P.


Friday, 2 October 2020


Dearies :)


I'm ok.. or should I say, I'm better..

Well, you might have guessed from the title.. no baby in the tummy :(

Went to usual gyneco consultation and upon doing echography, she noted that the baby was not developing and suggested a D& usual jargon, curretage.

It was an experience.. I only read about abortion pills but now got to see what these are like.

Sleeping pill was given to me and I only know I woke up with belly pains..

Well, I guess God knows better than us and He knows when to give us a healthy baby :)

Now, focusing on getting healthy and also will see if me and hubby can go do some tests..

I'm off for a weekend with family.

Wishing you same.

Charlotte P.

#Listentoyourbody - Part 2

Dearies Howdy? It's Friday :) and looking forward to hubby's birthday tomorrow. I'm reiterating, listen to your body. I was amaz...